Sunday, January 29, 2012

Interesting enough....

Holy cow. I had to blog about this because the world needs to know that there are crazies out there. So I have been trying to sell a couch on craigslist. I put an ad up for it with a picture. It says the usual. A couch for sale blah blah blah.  Then I get this email from this lady. 

"Hello- interestingly enough, your sofa might work for me. I am a grad student/ mom who has 3 (under grad and grad) students in Athens. The kids have been cleaning me out- both my checking account as well as my furniture. The grad student is taking the sofa from my living room on Wednesday- I do not have the time nor inclination to shop for furniture. I am looking for something to replace the sofa that the grad student is taking. The painting over my sofa is an oil/Paris scene- has a lot of gold and black and it is in a room with a black baby grand. I want to furnish around these two pieces. I just can not tell if your sofa will fit/match by the picture on Craigslist. Is it actually covered or will I need to get it upholstered? When one sits on it does it sag?( as does the one leaving my home with the grad student) I am actually looking for something on the small side because the piano takes up so much room. However, I do want something in decent shape.
Let me know soon if this might work- if it does, we will have the truck on Wednesday and I will want to work around that schedule. "

I felt like this guy after he tried to sell some cinder blocks. 
I mean I honestly don't give a fuck whether the couch goes with your grand piano or the paris scene oil print that you probably got at home goods. Interestingly enough, I don't give a flying fliparoo. One should come sit on the couch to see if one like the couch.  Jesus lady.